Children and young people do not always enjoy equal opportunities when it comes to a career. As entrepreneurs it is clear for us how important it is to give someone a chance. This is precisely the reason we established our foundation. The Mind & Move Network.
Providing opportunities
Young people gain a lot when we believe in their potential. Given the right support the prospect of achieving something in life rises exponentially. This can help the next generation achieve great things.
In connection with a sports mentor project run by the University of Münster we support children and young people with a number of development conditions. Sport enables them to set their energy free and develop a completely new awareness of themselves and what they can achieve.
The entry
We attract mentors who help children and young people find their way. We use internship places, traineeships or apprenticeships to show participants the real opportunities available in the employment market.
It is important for us that young people can use their drive to achieve something. The right job interview, the first pay packet, the deserved promotion – these are all small steps. But taken together, they form a career.
We want to promote a mindset to enable children and young people to implement their ideas and plan their future. And who knows, perhaps one day we will have the opportunity to invest in their start-up.