



We have been first-movers ourselves, game-changers, seed-investors, we have been start-up, scale-up and grow-up. We have been B2C, B2B and have become market leaders. That’s why we know exactly how the DNA of a successful company is composed.


We love digital, data-driven and mission-critical business models. We prefer digitalization and the creation of digital twins of established markets and leave the disruption attempts to Berlin startups.

Therefore, it is very obvious to look for potentials to collect, process and make data available as part of our investment project. This is the best way for us to contribute to value creation. We prefer to work with hungry entrepreneurs who understand their market and customers very well.

In the mid-market & family business sector, we are looking for co-investment opportunities (growth or buy-out) in companies with an enterprise value between €50-250 million and mission critical business models in the automotive, insurance, real estate or software sectors. In the start-up space, we are looking for data companies with an advanced level of maturity. We want to know that your idea is so good that you can attract and retain customers. This translates into a solid revenue and earnings base and lays the foundation for the most important factor: substantial growth potential.


We love data and data is your gold. We are experts in this field and able to generate valuable data, to use this data to provide added value for customers and monetize this data in the best way possible.

next Level

When we work with you, we make all our expertise, network and tool boxes available. This enables the acceleration of company phases, generation of growth and achieving the NEXT LEVEL.


A racehorse cannot do high jumping. A flamingo cannot tend sheep. So we enhance your strengths and do not invest energy in areas which are not viable.


We know that a promise holds more than the contents of a contract. Our cooperation is based on openness and trust. Our success is based on complete transparency and relentless analysis of facts.


The right employees are the most valuable asset. These are not people who work according to the book, but those which give their all when it is necessary. We support you in your search for the best team and help you fill posts for your management team.


We assess each financing option and together with you select the right one. With us you will never dispose of an investment too early or acquire third-party expertise for a high price at the wrong time.


Business is not everything. Sometimes it's time for the family to take priority or time to build up private assets. We support you with exit strategies, assess the options and reliably support you in the selection of the right partner.


We firmly believe that a vision, a healthy culture of debate, lots of fun and especially an appreciative working environment is the best motivation to ensure the long-term success of a company.